Conference & Exhibition

Bulan Mutu Nasional & SNI Expo 2023

Bulan Mutu Nasional & SNI Expo 2023 was officially opened for public today on 15 November 2023. Located at Assembly Hall and Lower Level Area. The opening ceremony was opened by The Head of the National Standardization Board (BSN) Bapak Kukuh S. Achmad. The theme of Bulan Mutu Nasional 2023 is “Standardisasi untuk Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Yang Berkelanjutan”.?
Bulan Mutu Nasional & SNI Expo 2023 was held on 15-16 November 2023 and attended by thousands participants from various ministries, government agencies, private institutions, business people, associations and academics throughout Indonesia. A series of BMN activities include National Seminar, SNI Corner Manager Meeting, UMKM Talk Show, SNI Product Exhibition, Quality Conference, UMKM Workshop, RIA Seminar, and the culmination is the SNI Award 2023. This exhibition is open for public with free admission
Bulan Mutu Nasional & SNI Expo 2023